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What are “arching-projects”?

Arching-projects do not just think about the future; they are working on concrete and functional solutions for Switzerland's sustainable future. What unites them all is their interdisciplinary thinking and collaborative action. Their solutions or products integrate at least three of the following aspects:

  • Society
  • Culture
  • Research
  • Education
  • Economy or environment.

These medium and long-term projects, which may already have been implemented, will have an impact beyond 2027.

Why are they important for Switzerland’s future?

Arching-projects embody distinctive qualities of Switzerland: the ability to innovate, a pioneering spirit and social commitment. They are the potential and the drivers for a sustainable future. Right now more than ever, we are dependent on arching-projects. Never before has the breadth of national and global challenges been greater than today. The pace of change is faster, and differences of opinion are more fundamental. Therefore, now is the right time to join forces, to bring the arching-projects together and to strengthen cooperation on sustainable solutions for the future of Switzerland.

How does X27 support arching-projects?

The long-term perspective of the arching-projects requires a lot of courage, energy and resources. X27 supports the important work of the arching-projects by:

  • launch a joint, cross-industry discussion on the future via the nationwide hubs and the digital platform
  • network the arching-projects with interested parties and provide access to know-how
  • develop an entirely new seal of sustainability and future-orientation for arching-projects together with the Swiss population
  • ensure financial support for the arching-projects from the people of Switzerland from the funds dedicated to the national exhibition.
  • give national and international visibility to the arching-projects through their possible participation in the 2027 national exhibition
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Sneak Peak Arch Projects