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Service Citoyen

The project

For a Switzerland that acts
Fidèles according to the motto "One for all, all for one", we engage in a movement for civic service - a commitment of all to the benefit of society and the environment in place of strictly military and masculine service. We are all responsible for each other. Parce que nous sommes l'État - nous faisons la Suisse! Nous nous engageons avec détermination. For the sake of the military, for solidarity, with responsibility, together on an equal footing. Nous construisons la Suisse du futur. Écris l'histoire avec nous.

For a Switzerland that acts
True to the federal motto "One for all, all for one", we are creating a movement for a Service Citoyen - a commitment for all for the benefit of society and the environment in place of an all-male conscription. Because we all bear the responsibility for our future. We are the state - we are participatory citizens! We make ourselves strong. For the militia, for solidarity, responsibility and cooperation at eye level. We'll get down to it. Join us in making history.

The Team

Noémie Roten & Quentin Adler, co-présidence et l'équipe

Notre association est transpartisanne et ouverte à tous. Nous fédérons (anciens) soldats, officiers civilistes, scrutateurs communaux, curateurs, pompiers volontaires, gardes pontificaux, conseillers communaux/cantonaux/nationaux et aux Etats, engagés dans la protection civile, mais aussi des personnes traditionnellement pas impliquées dans le système de milice institutionalisé, mais soucieuses de contribuer au bien-être de leur(s) communauté(s). Peut-être toi?

Our association is non-partisan and open to all. Our active members include young and young-at-heart personalities with diverse militia experience, such as conscientious vote counters, volunteer firefighters, experienced officers and soldiers, proud Swiss Guardsmen, reliable civilian shooters, enthusiastic civilians, visionary municipal, cantonal, state and national councillors, but also people who are not traditionally involved in the traditional militia system, such as those who are unfit for dual service, but who would like to stand up for their community. Maybe you soon?

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Service Citoyen

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