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Vision Futurae

The project

Since autumn 2018, I have been working independently as a visionary, lateral thinker and enabler with my company VISIONFUTURAE on the Switzerland of the future. "Living well through sufficiency" is vision, mission and guiding principle. VISIONFUTURAE brings sufficiency to the people through flagship projects such as the almost self-sufficient Tinyhouse Sörenberg. We also engage in fundraising for pioneering projects, public relations, cooperation with universities, and consulting and support for people who want to simplify and decelerate their lives. Sufficiency is SUSTAINABILITY 3.0: less consumption, more time. VISIONFUTURAE develops concepts that save up to 90% of resources and still allow for a comfortable, happy life.

The Team

FOUNDER, OWNER, OVERALL MANAGEMENT: Markus Mühlbacher, mm@vision-futurae.ch, born 1965, businessman, NDS Environmentally Conscious Management, CAS Social Responsibility in Companies

TINYHOUSE SÖRENBERG: Markus Mühlbacher (inventor, builder, owner, operator) - Test sufficiency and autarky systems 1:1: www.tinyhouse-soerenberg.ch

AUTARKIEBERATUNG: Markus Mühlbacher, Consultant: Water, Solar, Heat: www.autarkieberatung.ch

WORKING GROUP "BELIEVED WATER AUTACY": Markus Mühlbacher (Project Manager), Bastian Etter (Vuna GmbH), Matthias Mend (FirmaMend GmbH), Marc Lüllmann (SmartSmallhouse AG), Stefan Keiser (SmartSmallhouse AG), Beat Rölli (permakulturberatung.ch ) - Project supported by https://www.regionwest.ch/projekte-foerderinstrumente/projekte-in-der-region/news-detail/belebte-wasserautarkie/



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Vision Futurae

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